Sabtu, 23 April 2011


Under Construction


A photo book by Julius Keke

I’ve took many photos of orchid and they are beautiful. I think it is wasteful just to keep them in my hard disk. So I ask Uji to help me with the narration. She has been involved with orchid for some year and because her station was in the Taman Anggrek Indonesia Permai at TMII, she knows alot of names which help alot identifying the photo.
And so... we got the book of orchids... just as simple as that... any way it should not be complecated to enjoy the beauty....

The Photo Book of Orchids

Photos in this book were taken mostly in the farm, booths or display counter not in their natural habitat or in wild nor in studio environment. 
Some of the flower were in perfect condition but some not in the full of their beauty any how these kind of flower you can never tell its ultimate beauty... Take an Cattleya for example.. how could we compare the beauty of each breed.. each of those so many kind of cattleya and the hybrid has its own unique of beauty in both shapes and colors..
The species just arrive from somewhere jungle n Indonesia also shows uniqueness and carry wild pretty  aura compare to very well organized growth of hybrids of Phalaenopsis. 


Aliceara is an intergeneric orchid, results of interbreed among different group (genera). Aliceara comines the Brassia (spider Orchid), Miltonia (Pansy Orchid) and Oncidium (Dancing Lady Orchid).

 Alicea 'evening color',  Alicea 'sunday best' and 'sunday best ‘Ontario’

1. Ascocentrum

Flower colors range from orange to yellow to rose-red to scarlet. Widely cross with Vanda creating stunning hybrid with colors and sizes.

2. Beallara

This is a sample of sucsessful breed of hybrid orchid. Very bautiful pastel color.

3. Bulbophyllum

This genus has nearly 3000 species, one of the larges genera in the orchid family. Distributed almost all over the world except north and south poles and the hottest part of desert. Here you have tiny and large Bulbophyllum.

4. Brassia

 Knows as Spider Orchid, it is a spectacular specie of orchid, and also easy to grow.. so dont wait longer to have one.


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